Lovingly crafted in Ghana
In 2006, Pam Cope read a New York Times article that changed the course of her life forever. The piece featured a six-year-old boy in Ghana named Mark Kwadwo who was sold into slavery by his parents. Having founded Touch A Life, a nonprofit organization committed to caring for trafficked, exploited and vulnerable children around the world, Pam was immediately compelled by Mark’s story. She knew she had to do something to help.

By partnering with Ghanaian abolitionists and authorities, Pam and the Touch A Life team were able to rescue Mark and six other children, including his two siblings. From there, a dream grew: to provide long-term rehabilitative care for other trafficked children in Ghana, providing not only safety, holistic healing, and education but also empowering these rescued children to become agents of change in their communities. Since 2006, Touch A Life has rescued and supported over 150 children and young adults from slavery in Ghana. They live, learn, and grow at the Touch A Life Care Center.
When Pam found Mark, she found her purpose, too. She has often said that she didn’t rescue Mark; instead, Mark rescued her.
This line of bags, benefitting survivors of human trafficking in Ghana, is a testament of the hope and healing that can be found through identifying your purpose. We have found our mark. What’s yours?

Fair Trade

